Monday, December 30, 2019

Article 111 UCM; Drunken or reckless operation of vehicle, aircraft, or vessel

Article 111 UCM Drunken or reckless verarbeitungsschritt of vehicle, aircraft, or vesselArticle 111 UCM Drunken or reckless rechengang of vehicle, aircraft, or vesselNote The requirements of this offense were changed by President George Bush, by Executive Order 12473, on October 14, 2005. Specifically, the blood-alcohol limits were changed from 0.10 to the levels shown in subsection b, below. Text. Any partie subject to this chapter who- (1) operates or physically controls any vehicle, aircraft, or vessel in a reckless or wanton manner or while impaired by a substance described in section 912a(b) of this title ( Article 112a(b)), or (2) operates or is in actual physical control of any vehicle, aircraft, or vessel while drunk or when the alcohol concentration in the persons blood or breath is equal to or exceeds the level prohibited under subsection (b), as shown by chemical analysis, shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. Subsection b (1) For purposes of subsection (a), the applicable level of the alcohol concentration in a persons blood or breath is as follows (A) In the case of the operation or control of a vehicle, aircraft, or vessel in the United States, the level is the blood alcohol concentration prohibited under the law of the State in which the conduct occurred, except as may be provided under paragraph (b)(2) for conduct on a military installation that is in more than one State, or the prohibited alcohol concentration level specified in paragraph (b)(3). (B) In the case of the operation or control of a vehicle, aircraft, or vessel outside the United States, the level is the blood alcohol concentration specified in paragraph (b)(3) or such lower level as the Secretary of Defense may by regulation prescribe. (2) In the case of a military installation that is in more than one State, if those States have different levels for defining their prohibited blood alcohol concentrations under their respective State laws, the Secretary concerne d for the installation may select one such level to apply uniformly on that installation. (3) For purposes of paragraph (b)(1), the level of alcohol concentration prohibited in a persons blood is 0.10 grams or more of alcohol per 100 milliliters of blood and with respect to alcohol concentration in a persons breath is 0.10 grams or more of alcohol per 210 liters of breath, as shown by chemical analysis. (4) In this subsection, the term United States includes the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, and American Samoa, and the term State includes each of those jurisdictions. Elements (1) That the accused was operating or in physical control of a vehicle, aircraft, or vessel and (2) That while operating or in physical control of a vehicle, aircraft, or vessel, the accused (a) did so in a wanton or reckless manner, or (b) was drunk or impaired, or (c) the alcohol concentration level in the accuseds blood or breath, as shown by chemical an alysis, was equal to or exceeded the applicable level provided in subsection b above. (3) That the accused thereby caused the vehicle, aircraft, or vessel to injure a person. Explanation (1) Vehicle. See - 1 U.S.C. 4. (2) Vessel. See- 1 U.S.C. 3. (3) Aircraft. Any contrivance used or designed for transportation in the air. (4) Operates. Operating a vehicle, aircraft, or vessel includes not only driving or guiding a vehicle, aircraft or vessel while it is in motion, either in person or through the agency of another, but also setting of its motive power in action or the manipulation of its controls so as to cause the particular vehicle, aircraft or vessel to move. (5) Physical control and actual physical control. These terms as used in the statute are synonymous. They describe the present capability and power to dominate, direct or regulate the vehicle, vessel, or aircraft, either in person or through the agency of another, regardless of whether such vehicle, aircraft, or vesse l is operated. For example, the intoxicated person seated behind the steering wheel of a vehicle with the keys of the vehicle in or near the ignition but with the engine not turned on could be deemed in actual physical control of that vehicle. However, the person asleep in the back seat with the keys in his or her pocket would not be deemed in actual physical control. Physical control necessarily encompasses operation. (6) Drunk or impaired. Drunk and impaired mean any intoxication which is sufficient to impair the rational and full exercise of the mental or physical faculties. The term drunk is used in relation to intoxication by alcohol. The term impaired is used in relation to intoxication by a substance described in - Article 112(a), Uniform Code of Military Justice. (7)Reckless. The operation or physical control of a vehicle, vessel, or aircraft is reckless when it exhibits a culpable disregard of foreseeable consequences to others from the act or omission involved. Recklessne ss is not determined solely by reason of the happening of an injury, or the invasion of the rights of another, nor by proof alone of excessive speed or erratic operation, but all these factors may be admissible and relevant as bearing upon the ultimate question whether, under all the circumstances, the accuseds manner of operation or physical control of the vehicle, vessel, or aircraft was of that heedless nature which made it actually or imminently dangerous to the occupants, or to the rights or safety of others. It is operating or physically controlling a vehicle, vessel, or aircraft with such a high degree of negligence that if death were caused, the accused would have committed involuntary manslaughter, at least. The nature of the conditions in which the vehicle, vessel, or aircraft is operated or controlled, the time of day or night, the proximity and number of other vehicles, vessels, or aircraft and the condition of the vehicle, vessel, or aircraft, are often matters of impo rtance in the proof of an offense charged under this article and, where they are of importance, may properly be alleged. (8)Wanton. Wanton includes reckless, but in describing the operation or physical control of a vehicle, vessel, or aircraft wanton may, in a proper case, connote willfulness, or a disregard of probable consequences, and thus describe a more aggravated offense. (9)Causation. The accuseds drunken or reckless driving must be a proximate cause of injury for the accused to be guilty of drunken or reckless driving resulting in personal injury. To be proximate, the accuseds actions need not be the sole cause of the injury, nor must they be the immediate cause of the injury, that is, the latest in time and space preceding the injury. A contributing cause is deemed proximate only if it plays a material role in the victims injury. (10)Separate offenses. While the same course of conduct may constitute violations of both subsections (1) and (2) of the Article, e.g., both drunk en and reckless operation or physical control, this article proscribes the conduct described in both subsections as separate offenses, which may be charged separately. However, as recklessness is a relative matter, evidence of all the surrounding circumstances that made the operation dangerous, whether alleged or not, may be admissible. Thus, on a charge of reckless driving, for example, evidence of drunkenness might be admissible as establishing one aspect of the recklessness, and evidence that the vehicle exceeded a safe speed, at a relevant prior point and time, might be admissible as corroborating other evidence of the specific recklessness charged. Similarly, on a charge of drunken driving, relevant evidence of recklessness might have probative value as corroborating other proof of drunkenness. Lesser included offense (1) Reckless or wanton or impaired operation or physical control of a vessel.Article 110- improper hazarding of a vessel. (2) Drunken operation of a vehicle, vessel, or aircraft while drunk or with a blood or breath alcohol concentration in violation of the described per se standard. (a) Article 110- improper hazarding of a vessel (b)Article 112- drunk on duty (c)Article 134- drunk on station Maximum punishment (1)Resulting in personal injury. Dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 18 months. (2)No personal injury involved. Bad-conduct discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 6 months. Above Information from Manual for Court Martial, 2002, Chapter 4, Paragraph 35

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Customize this Outstanding Entry Level Pest Control Resume Template

Customize this Outstanding Entry Level Pest Control Resume TemplateCustomize this Outstanding Entry Level Pest Control Resume TemplateCreating a well-organized resume is essential if you hope to distinguish yourself from other applicants in the pest control industry. Taking the extra time to highlight your skills and experience is an excellent way to help a hiring manager determine that youre the perfect fit for the company.One of the keys to any successful resume is to list your expertise and if you have any work experience in the pest control industry. The ability to multitask, work independently, and be safety-conscious are great traits to put on your resume. Any professional certifications or educational courses related to pest control can give you a significant edge over other applicants.Check out the entry-level pest control resume template below for more ways to present your skill set to potential employers. Create ResumeLindsay Burrell100 Main Street, Cityplace, CA, 91019Cell (555) 322-7337 example-emailexample.comSummaryAdaptable, hard working and reliable individual, seeking a position that reflects my experience and skills, which will allow me the opportunity to participate as a gruppe member in a dynamic work environment focused on promoting business growth by providing superior value and service.SkillsFluent in EnglishSafety-consciousExceptional problem solverMulti-taskerAdaptableDeterminedHeavy industrial equipment operationDependable independent workerAccomplishmentsEarned a perfect attendance record for one year straight.ExperienceOssining, NYM/S GAS LUKOIL March 2009 to Current Cashier/Inventory clerkOSSINING, NYCounted and verified orders picked to ensure accuracy.Responsible for promoting safe and clean working environment.Unloaded incoming inventory and placed products onto shelves.Kept supervisor informed of job progress and material requirementsManaged work with little supervision.New York Footwear and Communications May 2004 to November 2 008 Sales Associate/Customer Service RepresentativeOssining, NYTroubleshooted and activated cell phones for customers. Maintained up-to-date knowledge of store policies regarding payments, returns and exchanges. Earned Top Seller for two consecutive quarters in 2004. Worked as a team member performing cashier duties, product assistance and cleaning.Guaranteed positive customer experiences and resolved all customer complaints under little supervision.Metalized Carbon Corp March 2002 to July 2003 computergesttzte numerische steuerung Machine Lathe TechnicianOssining, NYWorked under strict deadlines and responded to service requests for carbon products for companies such as NASA, US Military, and Delta to name a few. Followed proper selection procedures as established by the company. Completed over 30 hours of safety training. Operated powered lift trucks, floor sweepers, pallet jacks and forklifts safely, with a 0% incident rate.Education and TrainingBOCES SOUTHERN WESTCHESTER 2008 AS E CERTIFICATION BASIC AUTO MECHANICS Yorktown, NY, UNITED STATES Customize ResumeMore Installation and Maintenance ResumesPest Control Resume Templates

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Financial Advisor Pay by Commissions

Financial Advisor Pay by CommissionsFinancial Advisor Pay by CommissionsFinancial advisor pay based on commissions is the traditional method within the financial services industry. It is shorthand for saying that clients are charged a fee, usually called a commission, for each security transaction made, whether to buy or to sell. The financial advisor, in turn, receives a portion of these commissions back as compensation, usually through an intermediate process that converts commissions into a metric called production credits. A potential source of confusion comes from the fact that the title financial advisor can be applied to both investment brokers operating according to the suitability standard and registered investment advisors operating under the fiduciary standard. While commission based client relationships are the long-established norm among the former, the latter traditionally work on a fee-only fundament. Financial advisor pay may vary by type of security sold, and typical ly the percentage he or she retains increases as the total commissions (or production credits) earned during the year increase. It is often referred to as the financial advisors payout rate. The firms matrix of payout rates typically is called its payout grid. Advantages to the Client Basing financial advisor pay on commissions generally is the most advantageous option for clients who are long term investors, following a buy and hold investment strategy rather than one which involves frequent trading and rapid portfolio turnover. It is doubly true if the client is largely self-directed and financially savvy, not needing much ongoing attention and advice from the financial advisor. Advantages to the Financial Advisor For financial advisors who are aggressive and skilled in sales, and whose clients are comfortable with investment strategies that involve high transaction volumes, a commission based payment plan can yield considerably higher compensation than alternative methods . However, the more active a trader a client is, and the greater the financial assetson deposit in the clients account, the more likely the client is to demand (and receive) increasingly discounted commission rates versus the standard rates charged by the firm. Only the most confident and aggressive financial advisors typically succeed in holding the line against client demands for discounts in these scenarios. Conflicts of Interest When a financial advisor is on a commission basis, there is a clear conflict of interest, given that pay is linked directly to generating transactions, rather than to investment performance. The practice by which unscrupulous financial advisors seek to maximize their commission-based compensation through excessive trading is referred to as churning. Churning is a particular danger with so-called discretionary accounts, in which the financial advisor has been granted the ability to enter trades on his or her own discretion, without first obtaining exp licit permission from the client. With a non-discretionary account, the financial advisor must obtain such permission from the client for every transaction that he or she proposes. A telephone conversation suffices as a means to obtain such approval. Because of the potential legal exposures, the compliance departments in the most conservative securities brokerage firms tend to place severe restrictions on the ability of clients to open discretionary accounts. Prevalence Among registered investment advisors operating on a fiduciary basis who serve individual clients and have at least $25 million in client assets (these advisors also must be registered to act as broker/dealers), the percentage of those who earn commissions has been 22% in 201023% in 200924% in 2008 Note Some of the investment advisors counted here accept multiple payment plans, which differ by client or client account. Thus the percentages in this study add to more than 100% across all payment types. These figures come from a study by Dr. Lukas Dean, Assistant Professor and Financial Planning Program Director at the Cotsakos College of Business at William Paterson University in New Jersey. Findings of this study were cited in How to Pay Your Financial Adviser, The Wall Street Journal, December 12, 2011.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Floating Wind Turbines

Floating Wind Turbines Floating Wind Turbines Floating Wind TurbinesAmong all the available renewable energy sources, wind has the potential to make the most significant contribution. Wind turbine technology is mature and bankable, and wind resources are abundant. But as wind farm developers install increasingly larger turbines, the visual impact and noise as well as the need for large expanses of landhave slowed down terrestrial wind power expansion. These issues are not as problematic when wind turbines are built at sea, so it was inevitable that wind farms would go offshore. Within the past ten years, the coasts of Denmark and the North Sea basin have become the sites of increasing numbers of wind turbines, and the U.K. is poised to become the largest offshore wind energy producer. To date, all offshore wind turbines have foundations that extend to the seabed, which necessitates shallow water sites, a feature not available near many major cities around the world. In the United Sta tes, government regulation and private sector opposition has limited deployment of offshore wind farms. One alternative would be to site projects over the horizon, in deeper water where wind resources are superior. Here the wind industry could follow the example of the oil gas industry and employ floating platforms. But stabilizing a floating wind turbine platform is a major challenge because turbines inherently have a large mass in the nacelle and rotor located some 80 to 100 meters above the sea surface. In a fjord southwest of Karmy Island, Norway, the HyWind spar-type hull supports a 2.3 MW turbine. The hull displaces some 5,300 tons.There are three possible solutions to the stability problem. The first category is gravity-based, with the center of gravity of the platform as low as possible, well under the center of buoyancy. This calls for a very deep hull, similar to offshore spars and therefore cannot be used in less than 120 meters of water. The spar also must be in a prote cted area for final upending and installation of the wind turbine. A second category is water-plane inertia based, where the floater surface area at the free surface is widethat is, it has a large geometrical inertia. Traditional semi-submersible or column-stabilized units are examples from the offshore petroleum industry. A semi-submersible structure requires significantly less draft than a spar and can be fully assembled in a sheltered harbor, quayside, and then wet-towed to its final installation site because the structure is inherently stable at both transit and operational drafts. Finally, there are tension-leg platforms moored to the seabed and kept upright by stiff vertical tethers called tendons. Tension-leg platforms face difficulties in the natural frequency similarities and potential for structural coupling between the wind turbine and the tendons. The stability of a TLP is dependent on the mooring and additional expensive stability aids, such as buoyancy modules are requ ired when the system is not moored. Furthermore, the installation of TLP tendons typically requires significant seabed preparation, which may drive up the project costs, and tension-leg platforms are limited to deep-water areas free from significant tidal fluctuation and current. The Portuguese utility EDP has partnered with Principle Power to install a multi-megawatt full-scale floating wind turbine prototype off the coast of Portugal coast in 2011. Called WindFloat, the prototype is a semisubmersible fitted with water entrapment plates at the base of the columns, and with the turbine and tower affixed asymmetrically on one of the columns. The platforms three columns are spaced approximately 35 meters apart, to provide stability even when operating without ballast. The water entrapment plates increase the hydrodynamic added mass of the platform and add significant viscous damping, which reduces the structures motions in waves. The hull is also fitted with a closed-loop water ballas t system, which moves water between columns, to compensate for changes in average wind velocity and direction. Expectations are that the system will cost no more than current fixed installation methods. Adapted from Floating Wind Turbines by Dominique Roddier and Joshua Weinstein, for Mechanical Engineering, April 2010.To date, all offshore wind turbines have foundations that extend to the seabed, which necessitates shallow water sites.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Left-Handers Day 5 fascinating findings to help you manage lefties

Left-Handers Day 5 fascinating findings to help you manage leftiesLeft-Handers Day 5 fascinating findings to help you manage leftiesAs every smart manager knows, when you lead a group of people, youre not just filing reports, writing performance reviews, and approving vacation time. Youre also navigating the difficult, challenging, and unpredictable tango of waltzing between different personalities and preferred management styles. From those who value autonomy to those who prefer a little mora hand-holding, successful managers encourage the best qualities out of their direct reports. One overlooked quirk that you might not even be aware of is the significance of your employees dominant hand. About 10% of people in the world are left-handed.In honor of Left-Handers Day, here are five fascinating facts about Southpaw that might inspire different management techniques.1. They may be more combativeEveryone seems to have an employee who, while talented and efficient, can sometimes become hot-headed or struggle to contain their frustration in less-than-ideal situations. Your fiery staffer who is ever-willing to offer a different opinion might just be a lefty, according to a study conducted at the University of Montpellier in France. To see how lefties and righties approached disagreements and confrontation, the researchers followed nine primitive communities across five continents. They found lefties were more likely to get into violent encounters - and they usually ended up winning them.Your Southpaw employee probably wont burst into a fit of rage because you changed a sentence in their brief, but this study hints to the fact that some of them might not take it lightly, either.2. Their mannerisms may put people at easeRecent U.S. presidents, including Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and George H.W. Bush, were left-handed.Theres speculation that more people vote for left-handed people because their nature, body language, and speech comeacross as more sincere. Lefties us ually express themselves with their left hands, while righties talk with their right hands. At face value, that doesnt seem like much, but on television screens, a right-hand raised appears to be a left, thanks to the mirror image. This can make right-handed people uncomfortable, sub-consciously.In the workplace environment, this finding could suggest that youre more at ease around the mannerisms of your left-handed employees during meetings or presentations.3. Theyre likely good multitaskersAccording to extensive research on minority groups published in Sage Journals, you might be wise to give your lefty employees many projects at one time. After comparing righties and lefties, researchers found that lefties are better able to dabble in several tasks at one time, without losing their grip on deadlines, compared to their right-handed counterparts. However, they struggled with staying hyper-focused on a single task, which suggests that its better to give them more work than less. Res earchers havent fully concluded the mental reasoning for this. (Many theories about lefties, including the idea that they are more creative, have been debunked over the years.) Even so, these findings suggest that living in a right-hand-dominated world could be the reason lefties can multitask. Lefties have to learn how to do things using tools, such as scissors or door handles, designed for right-handed people.This makes it so that its possible that theyre able to think better on their feetwhile doing other activities.4. They may think differentlyIt might seem bonkers that the hand you choose to write, eat, or sew with can determine how your brain processes images or thinks constructively, but according to a study conducted at Stanford University, it does. During this research, righties and lefties were shown two columns of illustrations. Comparing across the columns, they were asked to pick which ones seemed more honest, happier, smarter, and other defining qualities. Participants stayed faithful to their dominant hand, with lefties more likely to pick those on the left and righties leaning in the opposite direction. 5. They may be better at mathIs your CFO left-handed? Or your accountant? If so, you can likely rest assured they know how to crunch their numbers, according to a study conducted by psychologists at the University of Liverpool and the University of Milan. Researchers studied about 2,300 students in Italy between the ages of 6 and 17. Through a slew of tasks, including problem-solving and simple formulas, they tried to determine if being left-handed or right-handed made a difference in math class. Their findings? Lefties performed stronger, while those who are ambidextrous had the greatest advantage. Big picture it shouldnt matterWhile its fun to learn about the various studies and research that offer insights about our dominant hands, when it comes to managing employees, you should never discriminate. No matter which hand you or your employees p refer, being team-oriented always gets your further.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Finding the Best How to List Self Employment on Resume

Finding the Best How to List Self Employment on Resume Employers could immediately concentrate on such a gap. Most workers today have career paths which include many different distinct jobs. 1 advantage for employers to internet resumes is the substantial cost saving in contrast to traditional hiring methods. Still others wish to benefit from the benefits many company workers enjoy benefits which are rarely readily available to freelance workers. If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on How to List Self Employment on Resume You also need to pre-discuss questions an employer will probably ask and be certain you both remember your work experience in the exact same way. The very last thing an employer wishes to do is spend all that money hiring someone who might leave in a couple of months. Employers like to realize that it is possible to multitask and see things from various perspectives, provided that it doesnt look just like youre a terrible fit for the role or a pt to jump ship for something else at the very first prospect. My advice to anybody trying to find a self-employed mortgage is to prepare and begin thinking 1224 months ahead of when you want to purchase. If youre working your way up the corporate ladder, your income will count on the perception of different folks. Fortunately, an education might help. The client landed work at a midsized firm. Some people like to offer a geschftlicher umgang name so the format appears similar to their other work, but thats totally up to you and will be contingent on the level to which your consulting or freelance company is established. Since his final business folded, hes decided he should obtain a full-time job. The USAJOBS application process is wholly automated. You wish to emphasize that you would like to stay and grow with the company for the very long term. Becoming effective at your work and doing whats ideal for the company doesnt always guarantee a fantastic impression. Including your startup or company on a resume would be quite much like the way you would incorporate any other work experience. If you arent employing a business name, open the account in your name, but be certain to utilize it just for the enterprise. Most prospective employers are likely to wonder whether it is possible to answer to authority now that youre no longer the authority. Believe it or not, you will never know when it could be convenient. If youre highly successful in your company career, it does not mean that you necessarily have what it requires to be self-employed. Do make certain that you make the most of all the deductions which are available to you. The Debate Over How to List Self Employment on Resume Furthermore, it is a very good concept to include details regarding different responsibilities you held. The further skills section may be the difference maker in whether you get called in for an interview. Resumes are rather predictable in features and data, but so me choices must be made. What Everybody Dislikes About How to List Self Employment on Resume and Why Thus, you are going to want to condense your abilities and experiences to those which are related to the position for which youre applying. There are lots of free and low-cost training opportunities readily available online and in person. Working on a startup or small business indicates plenty of effective abilities and traits no matter your outcome. If you adore your organization, it is going to be exponentially less difficult to give it the care and attention it should thrive. Employers wish to truly feel confident they are your very first alternative, so have them know youre prepared to leave freelancing behind and join the corporate world once more. Freelancing is an excellent approach to be self-employed once youve got a skill which other businesses need. Since your salary when you could be self-employed is actually the profits from the company, the self-employment tax i s figured on the company profits. Separate Business Money Matters from Personal As a business operator, you should keep accurate records of your earnings and company expenses. If youre self-employed, you will cause self-employment tax. Calculate your organization startup costs employing the calculator below to figure out how much cash youll want to launch your company and run until it will become profitable.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

HR Tech for Recruiting -- October 2015 Roundup - Spark Hire

HR Tech for Recruiting -- October 2015 Roundup - Spark HireHave you settled back in from the HR Technology Conference and Exposition? Vegas did not disappoint once again We hope you hit it big on the slots, and we also hope you gained a ton of knowledge regarding new HR technologies. If you werent able to make it to the conference, no worries Heres a collection of content I curated throughout the month of October hitting the points of evaluating and implementing HR tech at your organization. 5 Ways to Get Your Reluctant Boss on Board With New HR TechWhen it comes to investing in HR technology, mora often than not, your boss isnt sold on the idea right off the bat. It takes some convincing as does any other financial decision made ever. Are you going to spend $1,300 on a new laptop without doing some research? Probably not. Choosing the HR tech for your organization (and convincing your boss its a good idea) takes some TLC to achieve.5 Ways to Sell Your Boss on HRTech via RecruiterD otComClick To TweetHR Tech Conference 2015 Your Complete GuideOk. We realize the conference is over but that doesnt mean we cant start preparing for next year, right? In this article, Director of Content, Jacob Shriar, kindly lists 4 apps you should have on your phone to ensure you stay up-to-date amidst the whirlwind of HR frenzy happening in the ballroom. It only makes sense to use tech during a tech conference. Evernote Take notes (and actually remember them later)CamCard Snap a picture of business cards instead of collecting them like Pokemon cardsShoeBoxed Monitor your expenses by taking a quick picture of your receipts (even in Vegas, you should probably remember what youre putting on the company card)Twitter Hashtags, hashtags, hashtagsThe fun thing about this list is the fact that these apps work for every HR conference you attend. So, go out and get your trade show on, and be organized while doing itGet ready for any HR conference with this post by OfficevibeClick To Tweet 6 Myths (And Realities) About HR Tech You Need to Know AboutIs your organization ready to test the waters of new and shiny HR tech? In this article written by Josh Tolan, CEO of Spark Hire, he explains 6 myths many organizations have regarding HR tech, and more importantly, the 6 realities that go along with them.Dont believe all the HR tech myths you hear via sparkhireClick To TweetHR Careers Live or Die by Analytics Agree?According to David Creelman, CEO of Creelman Research, many HR business partners lack the skills and support they need to utilize analytics in their work. Why does this matter? Having an analytical mindset (even in the world of HR) is extremely important to evaluate things like Candidates skillsetEmployee engagementTraining program effectivenessEducating aspiring HR professionals with data analytics skills is now just as important as communication skills. Do you have the analytical mindset it takes to be a successful hiring pro?The future of HR is all about anal ytics via dcreelman for WF_InstituteClick To TweetHow to Choose An HR Technology VendorWhen deciding the on right HR tech for your organization, keep these 3 things in mindBuy for the futureInvest in a true partnershipInvest in technology partners who are committed to your successTheres really no benefit investing in a technology solely because its trendy, or because your competition is using it. When investing in HR tech, one must evaluate their needs and goals to decide whether or not the partnership makes sense in the long-run.How to add tech to your talentacquisition strategy via TalentCultureClick To TweetNo Quick Fix Why HR Technology Cant Fix A Broken Candidate ExperienceCandidate experience. I wrote about this topic back in our July Roundup, and this article written by Ray Tenenbaum for Recruiting Daily just proves that its still highly relevant to HR and recruiting pros. The tools you use for recruiting and hiring can either hurt or help your strategy, which is why you shou ld take a step back and create a candidate experience roadmap. Do your tools actually work the way you THINK they do?Remember HRTech cant fix a broken candidate experience via RecruitingBlogsClick To TweetIm a VP of HR Tech is a Game-Changer for CultureHR and intimacy. Never thought Id see those two stimmts so closely intertwined. But thats the entire point of this post just disregard the literal word combo. In this article written by Dawn Burke of Daxko, she illustrates her companys success story after utilizing HR tech. Daxko was growing like crazy so keeping up with employee interaction was important for their established culture. With real-time check-ins and feedback, HR tech helped to control turnover and improve employee engagement.Intimacy + Access = Trust via DawnHBurke for CBforEmployersClick To TweetIf you found this roundup helpful, get your daily dosage of talent acquisition-rich content by subscribing to the Spark Hire newsletter and be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Feel free to suggest content to be highlighted in the November roundup by commenting below.